
How to manage your accounts during COVID-19

There are generally two ways of managing business transactions or records: (1) manually, through the use of notebooks or exercise books and (2) electronically, through the use of computerized accounting software like Built. In managing your accounting records or business transactions, these three (3)points should be of great concern: Recognition of revenue Accounting standards provide two main bases for this:…

How to pay your taxes, SSNIT in this period of COVID-19

While some businesses have attempted and found it difficult to make statutory payments, others do not have any idea on how to go about making their statutory payments in this period of COVID-19. This article seeks to give relief from such distressing situations. Statutory payments: what they are and when to pay them These are payments that, per the provisions…

7 Things Every Business Should Prioritize In Each New Calendar Year

The priorities for a business for any new calendar year may differ from another. However, it is noteworthy some activities should be a priority for every business for any new year, irrespective of the size or nature of business. In each new calendar year, there are 7 things every business should prioritize. These form the basis for this article. Find…

RGD extends deadline for filing of annual returns and renewals

The Registrar-General’s Department (RGD) has extended the deadlines for the filing of annual returns for companies limited by shares, companies limited by guarantee, external companies, and also for the renewals of partnership. The dates have been extended from 30th April, 2020 to 30th June, 2020. According to a letter from the regulatory body, dated 31st March, 2020, this has become…