The Balance Sheet, appropriately referred to as the statement of financial position plays a very vital role in the complete financial statement of a business. Most business owners interest themselves with the income statement as that shows them their revenues or sales, cost of sales, operating expenses and their profit margins. More profits mean more dividends can be paid to…
Starting one’s own business is a huge milestone for every entrepreneur. After getting the courage to transfer the idea into reality, the next thought is to make the business grow and be highly sustainable and successful. Only few business owners develop the habit of keeping their accounts up-to-date and tax records in order. The focus is usually on making more…
In Ghana, taxes are the main source of revenue to the government. This is generated directly from income from employment, business and investment and also indirectly, from goods and services purchased. Excise tax is a form of indirect tax imposed on particular goods such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, gasoline, and many others. Over the period, it has been observed…